Thursday, 15 September 2011

Things are changing....

....or more to the point I am changing.

Subtle little changes that I suppose only I can notice.

Things like being so much more tolerant of life's little challenges, bad tempered children, traffic jams, broken dishes, mirrors, bad hair days etc. They are what they are, there's no point in letting these things make you angry, you can't change them, so just relax, be calm and you'll get through it.

I'm definitely calmer nowadays, more accepting and less fraught about things I cannot change.

Is this God's influence? I like to think it is - God helping me towards being the patient and accepting person I would expect to be in the role of priest.

Of course, we all know that priests are human before they are anything else and that they should be allowed to have a place and a time where they can be themselves, but have you ever seen a priest who is constantly angry, sullen and bad tempered? If you have it would be a very rare thing indeed.

So with God's gentle influence on my life I continue on my journey, learning every day, taking on new and essential habits (like my now regular prayer life), I talk to God more, and listen more too. I'm growing in confidence (as my friend Sally told me at dinner last night- so maybe the changes in me are more outwardly visible than I thought)

And no, He hasn't spoken back to me, not using audible words anyway. But He influences me in a very quiet but definite way. It's all part of His plan for me you see. If it wasn't I wouldn't be on this journey and you wouldn't be reading this.

I'm still me though. The one I've always been.....

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